On April 3, 2009, in Kiev, the European Arbitration Chamber was initiator and co-organizer of the round table discussion on the subject of : International arbitration, mediation and treteyskiys (arbitration) courts : outlooks and problems of development.
Partners and co-organizers of this event were Ukrainian Center of Mediation, Kyiv Mohyla Business School, the International Financial Corporation and Treteyskaya Palata of Ukraine.
More than 60 representatives of Ukrainian law firms, international arbitrations, treteyskiys courts of Ukraine, government bodies; corporate lawyers. In this event there were 3 sections, dedicated to system of ADR, namely: international arbitration, national arbitration ( treteyskyis courts) and mediation. In the section "international arbitration", which opened work of this round table discussion, such speakers made speeches:
This event is one of a series of educational and informational initiatives of the European Arbitration Chamber in Ukraine. The next event on the subject of international arbitration will be held by the European Arbitration Chamber on May, 21, 2009. This First International Arbitration Forum, which takes place on May, 21, is carried out with the participation of representatives of UNCTAD and UNCITRAL, as well as with the participation of lawyers and arbitrators from France, Belgium, Poland, Germany, Switzerland, countries of CIS, etc.