Experts of the International Center of Judicial and ADR Expertise under the European Arbitration Chamber (Brussels, Belgium) conduct an art expertise, which establishes:
In order to estimate the market value of works of art, art expertise and appraisalof the subject of art is carried out.
Conducting an art examination gives an opinion on the authenticity of work of art, its artistic value, and the assessment determines the market value of the work of art.
Expert assessment of a work of art is comprehensive and takes into account its characteristics, year of creation, the authority of the artist (author of the work of art), the quality of the work according to the index of socio-cultural value, as well as the history of the work.
The study establishes the overall value of the work of art in the context of forecasting its value and determining the level of possible financial losses of the owner in case of complete loss.
The appraisal of a work of art should be carried out in a complex that includes three successive stages:
For more detailed information on the valuation of works of art, please contact the EAC Secretariat: