European Arbitration Chamber has recognized this Code of conduct for application and strict observance of its members.
Each member of the European Arbitration Chamber is obliged to:
Promote the observance of the standards and principles of the international law and the standards of the national legislation.
Promote the development of the alternative methods of dispute resolution and the international arbitration in the international business practice.
Promote the development of the constructive relations with authorities and international organizations in order to approve the general principles of justice and supremacy of law and also favorable international business-climate.
Collaborate with representatives of the European Arbitration Chamber and its members in order to achieve the common objectives of the ADR development on both national and international levels.
Take active part in formal event organized under the aegis and/or with participation of the European Arbitration Chamber.
Facilitate the distribution of professional knowledge about the ADR system throughout the world.
Strictly observe the requirements and principles containing in the articles of association of the European Arbitration Chamber.
Each member has personal responsibilities, and should:
Demonstrate integrity and humanity and observe the principles of the UN Declaration of Human Rights avoiding all discriminatory practices including those relating to race, sex, religion and politics.
Have regard for the interests of society in acting loyally and honestly in carrying out the EACh policies.
Not injure or attempt to injure, maliciously or recklessly, directly or indirectly, the professional reputation of others.
Respect all property rights, including intellectual property.
Respect the confidentiality of information which comes to them in the course of their duties.
Accept only such work as they believe they are competent to perform.
When called upon to give a professional opinion, do so objectively as possible.
Failure to comply with this Code of Conduct and Ethics, if substantiated in the opinion of European Arbitration Chamber, will be grounds for immediate revocation of membership.